
  • Eagle Saints

    In this blog, I explore the spiritual concept of focusing on the Lord, inspired by Isaiah 40:31, to rise above life's challenges like eagles. I discuss resting in divine strength and peace, and how magnifying the Lord transforms our focus towards the qualities of God's kingdom. I conclude by encouraging a heavenly focus, drawing from a hymn by Helen Howarth Lemmel that advocates looking to Jesus for spiritual clarity and elevation.

  • The Golden Rule

    In this blog, I discuss the Golden Rule from Matthew 7:12, emphasizing its true meaning beyond reciprocal kindness. I learned through teaching my son that it's about pleasing Jesus and loving unconditionally, aligning with God's unwavering love (Romans 8:38-39) and fulfilling the law through selfless actions.

  • The Wisdom of Fire

    In this blog, I discuss the biblical metaphor of "fire" to represent God's presence and judgment. I explain how fire symbolizes both destruction and purification, reflecting God's role in refining us spiritually. Through examples like the flaming sword in Eden and God as fire in the wilderness, I highlight how fire signifies divine guidance and purification. I emphasize that enduring these "fiery" trials prepares us to enter God's kingdom, purified and renewed.

  • His Ways Not Our Ways

    In this blog, I talk about the theme of forgiveness and divine justice, delving into the biblical perspective of overcoming evil with good, as referenced in Romans 12:17-21. The blog emphasizes the importance of leaving vengeance to God, understanding His passion for justice and mercy, and the transformative power of forgiveness, both for oneself and others, even in the face of grievous wrongs.

  • Repentance

    In this blog, I delve into the essence of true repentance, as described in the Bible. I emphasize that genuine repentance is a heartfelt transformation rather than mere outward expression, aligning with God’s nature of compassion and mercy, and involves a continuous commitment to align one's heart and actions with God’s will.

  • Is God Unfair?

    Here, I talk about the perception of God's plan and purpose, exploring the idea that it may appear unfair to humans. I delve into the concept of God's calling and election, emphasizing that different callings and ranks exist, and it is God's choice whom He calls.

  • Our Expected End

    Here we're exploring how God often chooses seemingly unlikely individuals for His work, emphasizing that external qualifications and societal standards are secondary to one's heart and obedience to God. The blog illustrates this through biblical examples, highlighting that God values inner disposition and faithfulness over external appearances or status, calling us to recognize and embrace this divine perspective in our own lives.

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